Sweet Laraine
Tribal Tattoo Designs - Promoting Culture Top 5 Trends in Custom Tattoo Designs For 2012 Hawaiian Flower tatto Top Five Tips for Better Custom Tattoo Design Resume Tattoo Application Techniques: Primitive to Contemporer
Stars are often encountered as symbols, and many cases the meaning of a particular star symbol may depend upon the number points it has, and sometimes the orientation of these points as well. As a light shining in the darkness, the star is often considered a symbol of truth, of the spirit and of hope. The symbol of the star embodies the concept of the divine spark within each of us. Their nocturnal nature leads stars to represent the struggle against the forces of darkness and the unknown.
Cool place for a tattoo....but so cute .holy crap! I thought at first they were temps until i saw the redness and read the tags!
Another star tattoo design with a religious or spiritual meaning is the pentagram tattoo.
The pentagram (aka pentangle), a five pointed star, has been used as a symbol by many religions and cultures throughout history, it's one of the oldest symbols in the world.
Here's an overview of the different symbolic meanings of the pentagram:
In any case, suffice it to say that star tattoos can sometimes transcend the purely decorative and take on a more metaphysical or symbolic meaning.
Chinese tattoos and especially the Chinese characters tattoo have been very popular in the Western world the last decade or so, and they still are today. Chinese characters are beautiful little pieces of art. They are exotic and mysterious, what makes them very suitable for a tattoo design. No wonder you see so many Chinese symbol tattoos around these days.
There's more to Chinese tattoos than just the symbol tattoos, although tattoos have quite a negative connotation in traditional Chinese culture. In fact, there was a belief that the body is a sacred gift from one’s parents and should not be altered in any permanent way – which of course includes tattooing.
Fairy tattoos are a fairly recent development and they represent a certain range of interests or way of thinking. A fairy tattoo design can be cute and rather precious, like something out of a children’s book, but fairies are not as innocent as they look.
Koi is a symbol of the Japanese culture. It is also known in Japan as "Nishiki" which translates to "colorful cloth". Koi means carp in Japanese and koi are part of the carp family. Although the koi tends to be associated with Japanese culture, it originated in China and parts of Eastern Asia. They originally were black and lacked color but over hundreds of years as the species evolved it started showing color variations. These colorful variations were then separated and bred selectively to create a wide variety of color.
The koi are know for the ability to completely lift themselves out of the water which is a typical pose of the ink work seen today. Koi is a beautiful color fish that is a perfect candidate for tattoo work.
The beautiful bright colors of the Koi make it a great choice for vibrant tattoo work. They are usually chosen for larger sizes - a shoulder blade, a rib cage but they can also be reduced to a calf size that looks quite striking with the shape of the calf.
Koi fish represent strength and honor. It is no wonder it is a popular choice for tattoo lovers. The color and variation choices and the honorable symbolism behind the Koi, the Koi tattoo is a great choice for tattoo designs. Water and cherry blossoms are typical additions to the Koi art.
Lotus flowers are thought of as a symbol of awakening and emergence to a better state. The basis is believed to be starts out at the bottom of a pond in the mud. As it grows towards the light to the surface of the water. Once it surfaces, it turns into a beautiful blossom. ,
Both Hinduism and Buddhism place importance on this symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life.
Lotus flower tattoos are also popular for people who have risen beyond a tough time they have gone through and are better for the wear and tear. The flower starting out in the mud only to rise to the top and overcome the obstacles.
The most popular Japanese flowers is the lotus and peonies and are often used in Japanese art to compliment to Koi compositions. The Koi is a symbol of strength. A positive compliment to an emerging time.
Some women lean towards a more feminine tattoo design while some of the younger female ink lovers are making more trendy choices that were at one time thought of "guys" skin art. Choices are expanding to bolder styles, larger pieces and in more publicly visible locations.
Even though tattoos are more accepted than ever, that rule does not apply across the board. So if you are a young girl just starting in the work force you may be smart to choose locations that can be concealed if required. Until you are absolutely certain of your career, I would recommend making choices of your body that can be covered up if necessary for your work life.
If you are absolutely determined to have a more visible tattoo, I would then suggest an acceptable choice - mainstream acceptable - for instance, a potential employer may be more likely to hire someone with a pretty flower tattoo but may be socially shocked if you had a skull with a knife protruding through the top. Use some discretion and smarts when it comes to the choices you make.
Here are the Top 6 Tattoo Designs Popular with Females
Butterfly tattoo designs are one of the most popular tattoo choices for women. This is due to the universal attraction, beauty, and versatile design options. Not only are these designs being added to women's bodies, they are now finding a popularity among males. Butterfly tattoo designs have a huge style range from it's natural, realistic versions to highly stylized fantasy or abstract designs such as tribal style butterflies. The vast amount of choices and options makes finding a design that appeals to your senses a daunting task just do the huge amount of artwork that focuses on this subject.
The butterfly itself has perfect symmetry in it's design and gorgeous vibrant colors. Capturing the natural beauty of a butterfly design in a tattoo can result in a beautiful piece of realistic tattoo artwork. Some fans of the butterfly have chosen realistic butterfly's - multiple - flying up the torso or up the back adding to the beauty using different patterns and sizes. Varying sizes can add to the effect of realism with larger butterfly's looking closer, smaller butterfly's in the distance.
The symbolic meaning of the butterfly means different things in various cultures, but the meaning to all always take a positive one. The butterfly is a symbol of change or transformation. The origins of this is the beautiful butterfly emerging from a plain and bland caterpillar form. Butterflies are often a choice by people undertaking a new and positive phase that they believe will be a "transformation" or the beginning of a new experience in their life. People change or personal transformation that they feel is a turning point and they want to have a constant reminder and symbol of this phase of their life.
The other side of the coin - some people choose butterfly tattoo designs strictly for the sheer beauty of them. Sometimes the beauty of the design itself is enough.